Tuesday 21 July 2015

quick little update

So tonight I don't really have time for much at all, except a scribbled little post about what I've been up to recently. It's fair to say that I've just been resting since NCS has finished, even with a couple of little naps, which I never normally do!

On Saturday I had:
1. Ballet (30 mins)
2. Little ballet (30 mins)
3. Pointe (30 mins)
4. Soft pointe (30 mins)

Yesterday, I did/had:
1. 4 mile walk home from town (it only took 50 mins, which I'm so proud of!)
2. Street dance (1hr)

And today:
1. Contemporary (1hr)

While I haven't been very active this week, last week wasn't too bad. I'm going to write a lot more about it in an NCS post soon, but we did a lot of walking and also 5 hrs of Zumba for a Zumbathon on Thursday! I've found my love now; I love shaking my hips in the Zumba routines ;)

Team Perham in fancy dress for the Zumbathon!

With Gaby, Brittany and Maz before the Zumbathon

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